The story of Hotel Saint Vincent begins in Ireland in 1813 with the birth of Margaret Haughery, née Gaffney. Margaret, an orphan, eventually made her way to New Orleans in 1835. There she became known locally as “Our Margaret” for her endless community giving and philanthropy. In 1861, Margaret, with money from her successful bakery, founded The Saint Vincent’s Infant Asylum, a refuge for thousands both young and old. In 1884, two years after her death, a statue of her was erected, making it the second public monument to a woman in American history. Today, Margaret Place, a park in the Lower Garden District near Hotel Saint Vincent, is a reminder of the humanitarian who devoted her life in support of the people and city of New Orleans. The Hotel Saint Vincent honors the memory and example left by Margaret and her work by being a beacon for both the local community and those visiting New Orleans.
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